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Can Dogs Eat Scallops? | Read Before You Feed!

can dogs eat scallops

Seafood isn’t a type of food that we usually associate with giving to our dogs.  However, if we’re eating it our dogs are bound to be interested and hungry!  One of my favorite forms of seafood are scallops.  Can dogs eat scallops?  Let’s find out to learn exactly when it is and isn’t safe to share this tasty treat from the sea with our furry friends!

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Can Dogs Eat Scallops? (The Short Answer)

Yes, scallops are safe and healthy for dogs!  There are only two main precautions to follow.  First. feed them cooked, never raw or friend.  Second, don’t use any added ingredients or seasonings.  If you do both of those things and remember to only feed them in moderation, you’ll be relaxed knowing your dog is safe and they’ll be excited to share a treat with you!

It’s important to remember, that even with the best of intentions, accidents happen and dogs can easily eat things they shouldn’t.  Unfortunately, even if those accidents aren’t fatal, they can result in huge, unexpected veterinary expenses.  That’s why we recommend all responsible dog owners get a free, online pet insurance quote from Healthy Paws.

Are Scallops Good For Dogs?

We’ve already answered the question, “can dogs eat scallops?” Now, let’s learn about the benefits of feeding your dog this food! Are scallops good for dogs?

Yes, scallops have a lot of nutritional value they can pass along to our canine companions.  Among other things, scallops are a fantastic source of magnesium, potassium, and protein.  Magnesium, in particular, helps your dog absorb vitamins and minerals.  Potassium helps overall health but specifically aids in nerve function.  Protein builds and maintains a healthy muscular system.

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Are Scallops Bad for Dogs?

We’ve already answered the question, “can dogs eat scallops?” Now, let’s learn about the dangers of feeding your dog this food! Are scallops bad for dogs?

Scallops are not toxic to dogs and the ASPCA says they are safe for our pups to eat.  The caveat to this is that they must be fully cooked and never served raw.  Don’t confuse “cooked” for “fried” either.  Fried scallops are also not safe for your pup due to the very high fat content.  In the long term, consuming fried scallops can lead to pancreatitis in dogs and in the short term can simply lead to an upset stomach.

Make sure you’re cooking the scallops you plan to feed to your dog completely plain.  Don’t use added ingredients, seasonings, oils, butter, etc.  All of these additives had the potential to be dangerous to your dog.

Finally, as with any food, make sure to feed your dog scallops in moderation.  Dogs can often have trouble adjusting to new foods.  So be sure, especially the first time you give it to your dog, that you only provide one or two small pieces.  Then, wait to see how they react and whether they show signs of stomach discomfort, diarrhea, or constipation.

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Alternative Options

If your dog is allergic to scallops or you don’t have any available, here are some other similar alternatives to try feeding them:

Other Varieties & Related Foods:

Can Dogs Eat Raw Scallops?

No, raw scallops can be dangerous to dogs and we don’t recommend feeding them.  Instead, simply cook (don’t fry) scallops with no added ingredients.

Can Dogs Eat Scallops Cooked?

Yes, cooked (never fried!) scallops are a great, healthy option to feed to your dog as a treat!  Just remember to skip any added ingredients, oils, butter, etc. and prepare them completely plain.

In Conclusion: Can Dogs Have Scallops?

Yes!  Plain, cooked scallops are a nutritious and delicious treat to share with your dog.  As long as you aren’t frying them or adding additional ingredients you should have nothing to fear when feeding them in moderation!

Disclaimer: We are not veterinarians and this article should not be taken as medical or veterinary advice.  If you have any questions about your pet’s health or dietary needs, please contact your local veterinarian.