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What is a Reverse F1B Sheepadoodle?

what is a reverse f1b sheepadoodle

The “lingo” of dog breeders can be confusing, especially when it comes to genetics.  If you’ve heard the term “reverse F1B” used to describe Sheepadoodle puppies and are wondering what it means, you’re not alone!

That being said, it’s important to have a basic understanding of this terminology as it can affect many characteristics of your future dog!  So, what is a reverse F1B Sheepadoodle?

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A reverse F1B Sheepadoodle is the result of crossing an F1 Sheepadoodle with a purebred Old English Sheepdog.  This pairing produces puppies with approximately 75% of their DNA from the Old English Sheepdog and 25% of their DNA from the Poodle.

Read on to learn all about the characteristics of this Sheepadoodle generation and whether one may be right for your family!

F1B Sheepadoodle vs Reverse F1B Sheepadoodle

Both of these generations take an F1 Sheepadoodle and backcross it to one of the parent breeds.  With a traditional F1B, the second parent is a Poodle.  With a reverse F1B, the second parent is an Old English Sheepdog.

The difference between an F1B Sheepadoodle and a reverse F1B Sheepadoodle is which parent breed they share the most DNA with.

A traditional F1B Sheepadoodle will be 75% Poodle and 25% Old English Sheepdog.  A reverse F1B Sheepadoodle’s DNA will be split oppositely—75% Old English Sheepdog and 25% Poodle.

Read More: Sheepadoodle Generations Made Easy (F1, F1B, F1BB, F2, F2B, F2BB, F3, Multigen)

With this stark difference in genetic makeup, the characteristics of these two generations can often be slightly different.  In particular, F1B Sheepadoodles are far more likely to be allergy-friendly and low or non-shedding than their reverse F1B counterparts.

You’ll also notice a distinct difference in the coats of these two generations. Usually, reverse F1B Sheepadoodles will have a less curly coat, and occasionally it can be completely flat.

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Full Grown Size & Weight

Typical Sheepadoodle sizes. Photos courtesy of Marc Frisicaro, Misty Nivens Munson, and Mary Smith.

Most Sheepadoodles come in three main size categories—micro, mini, or standard.  

However, due to the F1 Sheepadoodle being crossed back to the large Old English Sheepdog breed, reverse F1B Sheepadoodles can only really come in the standard size.

A full-grown reverse F1B Sheepadoodle will typically weigh between 50-85 pounds while standing 19-24 inches tall.

Due to the higher percentage of Old English Sheepdog genes, a reverse F1B may be more short and stout than a traditional Sheepadoodle.

Read More: Sheepadoodle Size Full Grown: How Big Do Sheepadoodles Get? (Micro, Mini, Standard)

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Do Reverse F1B Sheepadoodles Shed?

Reverse F1B Sheepadoodles are very likely to shed, thanks to the 75% of DNA they share with the Old English Sheepdog.

This is a major difference from a traditional F1B Sheepadoodle, whose 75% Poodle DNA makes them likely to shed very little or not shed at all.

While I recommend all Sheepadoodle owners invest in a good-quality slicker brush, owners of this generation in particular will likely want to purchase a deshedding tool, like this one from Amazon, as well.

Are Reverse F1B Sheepadoodles Hypoallergenic?

Reverse F1B Sheepadoodles will almost certainly NOT be hypoallergenic.

Anyone who suffers from allergies should choose a generation of Sheepadoodle that is closer to the Poodle in DNA such as the traditional F1B, F1BB, F2B, or F2BB.

a reverse first generation backcross sheepadoodle running in a grassy yard
Photo courtesy of @mosleythesheepie on Instagram.

Health Issues

Mixed breeds like the Sheepadoodle tend to experience less health issues over the course of their lives than purebred breeds.  While the Sheepadoodle is a generally healthy breed, you should be on the lookout for health issues that are common in the Old English Sheepdog and the Poodle.

Some of the more frequent health concerns in reverse F1B Sheepadoodles include Hip Dysplasia, Addison’s Disease, Corneal Dystrophy, and Sebaceous Adenitis.

Read More: Sheepadoodle Health Issues: 9 Common Sheepadoodle Health Problems to Look Out For!

Of course, it’s impossible to predict whether any individual dog will be completely healthy or be riddled with health problems throughout their life.  In many cases, vet bills from accidents and injuries can cost thousands and thousands of dollars.

For this reason, I recommend all Sheepadoodle owners consider enrolling their dog in a quality pet insurance policy.  I personally use Healthy Paws, while many other owners recommend Embrace as well!

Price & Availability

The average price of a reverse F1B Sheepadoodle is between $1,500 and $3,000.  Since reverse generations of this breed are more rare, you may end up paying on the higher end of that range.

While Sheepadoodle rescues are always great to consider, if you have your heart set on this particular generation, you may have to opt for a reverse F1B Sheepadoodle breeder instead.

Sheepadoodles are difficult to come across in shelters to begin with and, on top of that, the majority of Sheepadoodles available for adoption are first generations.

this sheepadoodle is 75% old english sheepdog and 25% poodle
Photo courtesy of @panda_doodle_ on Instagram.


The average life expectancy of a reverse F1B Sheepadoodle is 10-13 years.

This figure is lower than the average Sheepadoodle lifespan because reverse F1B Sheepadoodles are almost always large dogs.  In general, smaller breeds like a micro or mini Sheepadoodle will live longer than standard and giant dogs.

In Conclusion: Pros and Cons

So, how do you decide if this generation of Sheepadoodle is right for you?  Well, there are a few main pros and cons to consider before making a decision.

The primary reason to getting a reverse F1B puppy is the likelihood that they’ll have more characteristics of the Old English Sheepdog.  For some people, the motivation is this breed’s intelligent, gentle, and independent personality.  For others, they love the coloring and appearance of Old English Sheepdogs.

The main reason why people shy away from this generation is the propensity for shedding and triggering allergies.  Many people purposely choose Poodle mixes like Sheepadoodles to avoid these traits, so they wouldn’t want a generation that makes them more likely.

We hope you take both of these arguments into consideration along with the information above and make the best, most informed decision possible for your family!