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Newfypoo Dog Breed Info: Newfoundland Poodle Mix

Newfoundland Poodle Mix

What is a Newfypoo Dog?


Newfypoo Dog = Newfoundland Poodle Mix

Other Names:

Newfiepoo, Newdle, Newfydoodle, Newfiedoodle, Newfydoo, Newfiedoo, Newfoundlandpoo, Newfoundlandoodle, Poofoundland, Newfoundland Doodle, Newfy Poodle Mix, Newfoundland Poodle Mix

Popular Doodle LOVE Doodles T-Shirt

Newfoundland Poodle Mix Breed History

Newfoundland Breed History:

Newfies got their start as working dogs for Canadian fishermen in Newfoundland, hence their name.  There they excelled at water rescues due to their partially webbed feet, swimming ability, and strength to pull a fully-grown adult to safety.  Their water rescuing abilities are so legendary that they are still used for that purpose to this day. 

After its start in Canada, the Newfoundland was brought to Europe where it was extensively bred and spread all over the world.  The most famous Newf in history might have been Seaman, the dog Lewis & Clark brought along on their expedition across North America.  Seaman was a hunting and guard dog who saved the lives of these explorers by chasing away a charging buffalo that was in their camp.  Many of the monuments to Lewis & Clark also prominently feature Seaman.

Poodle Breed History:

While commonly associated with the French, the Poodle actually originated as a duck hunter in Germany over 400 years ago.  In German, “pudelin” refers to the splashing in water that the dogs would do to retrieve waterfowl.  The Poodle’s curly, weatherproof coat as well as its natural swimming ability and high intelligence made it an excellent retriever.

Eventually, Poodles made their way from the lake to the life of luxury as they were the breed of choice by French nobles, and eventually royalty across all of Europe.  To this day, the Poodle is still the national dog of France.  The entertainment industry then caught on to the Poodle’s showy looks, intelligence, and ease of trainability and gave them a prominent role in circus acts across the world.

While the Poodle started out as the “standard” variety, eventually the miniature and toy variations were bred.  The Toy Poodle started in the United States in the early 20th century to be a city-dwelling companion dog.  Due to the many positive personality traits and its hypoallergenic coat, Poodles are now commonly bred with a wide variety of other breeds to produce the “designer” hybrid dogs known and loved by many as “doodles.”

Newfypoo Breed History:

The history of the Newfypoo breed begins around the 1980s and 1990s.  Alongside most other Doodle breeds, its popularity has risen in the past decade or two as these hybrid breeds have captured the hearts of people across the globe.

Newfoundland Poodle Mix Appearance & Grooming

How Big Do Newfypoos Get?

A Newfypoo’s size is determined mostly by whether the Poodle in its lineage was a standard, miniature, or toy.  On top of that, the gender of the puppy and the genetics of the parents play important factors as well.

Newfypoos are rarely, if ever, bred from Toy Poodles.  A Miniature Newfypoo will weigh in at around 35-65 pounds and stand roughly 18-21 inches tall.  The Standard Newfypoo, will weigh approximately 65-120 pounds and stand about 22-25 inches tall.

Read More: Newfypoo Size Full Grown: How Big Do Newfypoos Get? (Mini & Standard)

Newfypoo Dog Breed Coat & Grooming:

The coat of a Newfoundland Poodle Mix can be one or more of a variety of colors, with the most popular being black.  Their fur is usually quite curly and of medium length. A minimum of brushing every other day is required for Newfypoos, with the ideal frequency being every day to prevent matting and tangles.

Are Newfypoos Hypoallergenic?
Do Newfypoos Shed?

Due to the presence of the Poodle’s genes, Newfypoo puppies are sometimes promoted as being hypoallergenic and/or non-shedding.  While this can be true, due to the unpredictability of genetics, there is no guarantee that any particular dog, or litter of dogs will be hypoallergenic.

Some individuals’ allergies are more sensitive to certain breeds than other breeds, but there is no scientific evidence that shows that certain hybrid breeds are universally more or less hypoallergenic than others.

With that being said, as a rule of thumb, the larger the percentage of Poodle is in a dog’s heritage, the more likely they are to be hypoallergenic or non-shedding.  So an F1BB Newfypoo (87.5% Poodle) is more likely to be hypoallergenic than an F1B Newfypoo (75% Poodle) which is more likely than an F1 or F2 Newfypoo (50% Poodle).

Newfoundland Poodle Mix Health & Wellness

Newfypoo Dog Breed Lifespan:

The life expectancy of a healthy and well cared for Newfypoo dog is around 18-12 years.

Newfypoo Dog Breed Common Health Concerns:

Newfypoo dogs may be susceptible to the common health problems of both the Newfoundland and the Poodle.  However, due to the genetic diversity from crossing these two breeds, the result may be a lower chance of developing these inherited health concerns. Some of the more common genetic disorders to be on the lookout for in the Poodle Newfoundland Mix include Cataracts, Hip Dysplasia, Sebaceous Adenitis, Subaortic Stenosis, and Bloat.

Due to the cost of treating these common health concerns, we highly encourage all dog owners invest in pet insurance. We recommend getting a free online quote from Healthy Paws Pet Insurance.

Newfoundland Poodle Mix Temperament & Personality

Newfypoo Dog Breed Behavioral Traits:

Newfypoos are big dogs with even bigger hearts.  With their loving personality and even-temper, they really are gentle giants.

They get along well with both pets and children, though be careful because accidents can happen due to their size and playfulness.  Also be wary that children don’t use your Newfypoo as a jungle-gym as this could end up injuring the dog.

Although very friendly, Newfypoos can make good watchdogs due to the intimidation of their size and the protectiveness of their treasured family.

Newfypoo Dog Breed Activity Requirements:

Newfypoos need to be regularly exercised in order to stay happy and healthy.  60 minutes per day is recommended as a minimum.  It’s important to remember for large breeds such as this one to be mindful that too much jumping or roughhousing can negatively impact bones and joints when they’re still growing and developing.

Newfoundland Poodle Mix Pictures

Newfypoo Dog
Newfypoo Breed of Dog
Poodle Newfoundland Mix

Alternative Breeds to the Newfoundland Poodle Mix