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Great Pyrenees Poodle Mix: 11 Things to Know Before Adopting a Pyredoodle

great pyrenees poodle mix
Photo Credit: @doodlesncats on Instagram

A Pyredoodle is a cross between a Great Pyrenees and a Poodle.  Sometimes referred to as a Pyrepoo or Pyreneesdoodle, this hybrid breed was designed to take the qualities of the Great Pyrenees and pair them with the desirable allergy-friendly coat of the Poodle.

While Pyredoodle puppies are adorable, it’s important to know what you’re getting into before adding one to your family.  To prepare yourself, here are 11 of the most commonly asked questions prospective owners have about the Great Pyrenees Poodle mix!

How big does a Pyredoodle get?

The Pyredoodle is among the largest Poodle crossbreeds.  A standard Pyredoodle typically weighs between 85 and 100 pounds while standing 22 to 32 inches tall.  Males tend to skew toward the top of that spectrum, while females usually land on the lower end.

While most Pyredoodles are standard-sized, some breeders produce a miniature Pyredoodle size.  On average, these mini Pyredoodles will grow to a weight of 35 to 55 pounds and a height of 12 to 24 inches.

Here’s a quick comparison table of these two sizes of Pyredoodles:

Average MeasurementsMini PyredoodleStandard Pyredoodle
Average Weight35-55 pounds85-100 pounds
Average Height (Shoulders)12-24 inches22-32 inches

What do F1 Pyredoodle, F1B Pyredoodle, and F2 Pyredoodle mean?

F1, F1B, and F2 all indicate the generation of Pyredoodle a particular dog is.  While generations can get confusing, they essentially indicate how much of each parent breed’s DNA a dog is likely to have.

An F1 Pyredoodle, or first generation, would be the result of pairing a purebred Great Pyrenees with a purebred Poodle.  Though genetics are a grab bag, these puppies would theoretically inherit 50% of their DNA from each parent breed.

An F2 Pyredoodle, or second generation, typically occurs by breeding two first-generation Pyredoodles together.  On average, these puppies will still have an even split of 50% Poodle DNA and 50% Great Pyrenees DNA, but there is significantly more variability in this generation.  Don’t be surprised if an F2 Pyredoodle puppy looks very much like one parent breed or the other.

An F1B Pyredoodle, or first-generation backcross, is bred by pairing an F1 Pyredoodle with a purebred Poodle.  This skews the estimated DNA percentages of the puppies to 75% Poodle and 25% Great Pyrenees.  By adding more Poodle DNA into the mix, breeders are trying to produce puppies that inherit many of the Poodle’s desirable features, like their allergy-friendly and non-shedding coat.

While there are other generations of Pyredoodles, such as F1BB, F2B, F3, etc., these are the three most common you’ll come across.

Do Pyredoodles shed?

The Pyredoodle is a mix of one breed that sheds (the Great Pyrenees) and one that doesn’t (the Poodle).  The result of this mix are puppies whose shedding can range wildly.  Some Pyredoodle puppies hardly shed at all, while others shed almost as much as a Great Pyrenees would.

The moral of the story is that the Great Pyrenees Poodle mix may be low-shedding, but don’t count on them to be non-shedding like the Poodle.

Are Pyredoodles hypoallergenic?

One of the biggest misconceptions about the Great Pyrenees Poodle mix is that they are hypoallergenic.  In most cases, this simply isn’t true.

Pyredoodles are NOT guaranteed to be hypoallergenic.  If a breeder tells you otherwise, consider that a big red flag that they’re not experienced enough with this breed or they are being intentionally deceptive.

Breeders usually strive for dogs that are lower shedding and allergy-friendly.  Breeding generations like the F1B Pyredoodle or the F1BB Pyredoodle do make these puppies a safer bet at not triggering allergy sufferers.

However, since these are mixed-breed puppies and one parent isn’t hypoallergenic, you should still be wary of how they may affect your family members before bringing one home.  Consider asking a breeder for a “t-shirt test,” where they send you home with an article of clothing rubbed on the puppies to see if it triggers your allergies.

How do you groom a Pyredoodle?

Pyredoodle grooming depends on the type of coat they inherit.  In most cases, your dog will have a wavy or curly coat closer to the Poodle in appearance and function than the Great Pyrenees.

Doodle breeds like the Great Pyrenees and Poodle mix are notorious for how easily their hair can become matted.  For this reason, it’s essential to have a regular brushing schedule at least 2-3 times per week.

I recommend skipping the generic $20 pet store slicker brush and upgrading to a premium brush designed for the dense, curly coat of Poodle mixes like the Pyredoodle.  My favorite option is the Chris Christensen Big G Slicker Brush.  This brush works like a charm getting down to the base of your dog’s coat, so their entire coat stays tangle and mat-free.

Chris Christensen Big G Dog Slicker Brush

In addition to brushing frequently, you’ll also need regular baths and haircuts.  Bathing should occur around once a month unless they get dirty in between.  How often your Pyredoodle needs a haircut depends on how long you like their coat and how quickly their hair grows.  On average, expect to pay a visit to the grooming salon every 1-3 months.

What is the temperament of a Pyredoodle like?

Pyredoodles are reasonably easy to train and eager to please.  This makes them great options for first-time dog owners.  Many Poodle mix breeds tend to be high-maintenance, but the Pyredoodle tends to be a bit more laid back comparatively.

The Great Pyrenees Poodle mix is quite intelligent.  While this can help in training, it also means they need appropriate mental stimulation throughout their day.  Puzzle games, snuffle balls, and training activities all help keep their mind sharp and out of mischief.

Brain Training for Dogs Program

In general, Pyredoodles are one of the calmer doodle breeds.  They can be shy, so property socialization at a young age is vital to make sure this doesn’t lead to fear or aggression.

Pyredoodles tend to be friendly and not much of a prey drive, so they’re great matches for families with kids and other pets.

Barking is relatively common in Pyredoodles, so apartment living could be challenging.  While this can be prevented with training, it does help make this breed an excellent watchdog.  Pyredoodles are naturally protective of their family.  However, they are rarely aggressive.

Is the Great Pyrenees Poodle mix a healthy breed?

Pyredoodles tend to be healthy dogs that aren’t naturally prone to many breed-specific diseases.  However, this doesn’t mean there aren’t health issues to look out for.

Owners of the Great Pyrenees Poodle mix should learn about the signs and symptoms of this breed’s common health issues, such as bloat, Cushing’s Disease, hypothyroidism, and cancer.

The best thing you can do to spot these issues as early as possible is to schedule yearly checkups at the veterinarian, whether your dog needs them or not.  Additionally, investing in a pet insurance policy can ensure your dog will always get the best care possible, and money won’t have to be a factor.  Many canine health issues can cost several thousands of dollars to treat, so protecting yourself ahead of time by getting a policy with a company such as Healthy Paws or Embrace can be highly beneficial.

What is the average lifespan of a Pyredoodle?

Pyredoodles will live for an average of 11-14 years.  Due to the speed of their physiological processes, mini Pyredoodles tend to be on the higher end of this range, while standard Pyredoodles tend to be on the lower end.

Of course, healthy eating and exercise habits can contribute to a longer and happier life for your pet!

What colors does the Great Pyrenees Poodle mix come in?

The two most common Pyredoodle colors are cream and white.  These two colors account for a large majority of this breed.  However, there is the potential for other colors, such as apricot, gray, and black.

Pyredoodles can either be solid-colored or have a combination of two or more colors.  Parti Pyredoodles are two or more colors where the predominant color is white or a lighter shade.  Abstract Pyredoodles are two or more colors, with the darker shade predominant.

How much exercise does a Great Pyrenees Poodle mix need?

Pyredoodles are moderately high-energy dogs, but compared to some other Poodle mix breeds, like the Labradoodle or the Aussiedoodle, they’re actually fairly mellow.

Adult Pyredoodles will thrive with about 45-60 minutes of daily exercise.  This can come in the form of walking, running, fetching, swimming, or other activity.  Generally, standard Pyredoodles will need a bit more exercise than mini Pyredoodles.

Remember that mental activity is just as important as physical activity for this breed.  Introducing new games and challenges into playtime can be a great way to do this, as well as letting them get plenty of sniffing time during their walks.

How much does it cost to adopt a Pyredoodles puppy?

Pyredoodles are a designer breed that often come with designer prices.  Additionally, Pyredoodles are rare in comparison to many Poodle crossbreeds.

If adopting from a reputable breeder, expect to pay between $1,500 and $2,500 for a Pyredoodle puppy.  If you’re considering a mini Pyredoodle or want a particular color or pattern, expect to pay on the higher end of that range.

While you can look into adopting a Pyredoodle from a rescue or shelter, it will be incredibly tough to locate one since they are a rare mix.  To make things more difficult, many will be classified as “Poodle mix” or “Great Pyrenees mix” since the exact genetic makeup isn’t always known.