If you’re a doodle owner, you’re already familiar with the classic sleeping position of choice for these adorable breeds.

These adorable sleepers waste no time honing their craft from a young age.

Doodles pick some weird snoozing locations of their own…

…but more often than not they’re perfectly content stealing yours.

Car rides are no exception to the silly sleeping rule.

When the immature friend gets dog sitting duties.

This is an expert-level sleeper if I’ve ever seen one.

When Mom says you’re not allowed to sleep on the couch.

I don’t know how this is comfortable, but I’ll take their word for it.

Anything is a pillow if you try hard enough!

When the food coma hits earlier than expected.

You didn’t actually think you were going to get work done, did you?

When it’s your sworn duty to protect the house from intruders, but you could also go for a good snooze.

We all have that one cover hog in our life.

When you’ve had a rough day and barely make it to bed.

Stairs? Challenge accepted.

The Monday morning drag-yourself-out-of-bed struggle.

Maybe I’ve been using these machines wrong all along?

Sometimes you just need a little alone time…

…other times snuggling up with a stuffed animal companion is perfect…

…but on special occasions, only your best friend will do.