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Aussiedoodle Breed Info: Australian Shepherd Poodle Mix

Australian Shepherd Poodle Mix

What is an Aussiedoodle Dog?


Aussiedoodle Breed = Australian Shepherd Poodle Mix

Other Names:

Aussiepoo, Australian Shepherd Poodle Mix, Aussie Poodle Mix, Australian Shepherd Doodle

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Australian Shepherd Poodle Mix Breed History

Australian Shepherd Breed History:

The Australian Shepherd has a quite misleading name, as the origins of this breed actually stem from Europe.  There, the Pyrenean Shepherd, an ancestor to the modern Aussie, was used as a world-class herder.

In the early 1800s, these dogs were brought to Australia which was a wide-open paradise for cattle and sheep ranching.  During their time in Australia, these dogs were refined by crossing them with other herding dog breeds like Collies.  These ranchers, and their dogs along with them, made their way for the western United States.  There people assumed these dogs were an Australian breed and hence gave them the misnomer of the Australian Shepherd.

They’ve been an iconic part of western cowboy culture and the breed skyrocketed in popularity in the 1950s after they were featured in rodeos and films.  In 1993, the Australian Shepherd entered the AKC Herding Group.  Now, in addition to being ranch dogs, Aussies are commonly found as search-and-rescue dogs and drug-detecting dogs.

Poodle Breed History:

While commonly associated with the French, the Poodle actually originated as a duck hunter in Germany over 400 years ago.  In German, “pudelin” refers to the splashing in water that the dogs would do to retrieve waterfowl.  The Poodle’s curly, weatherproof coat as well as its natural swimming ability and high intelligence made it an excellent retriever. 

Eventually, Poodles made their way from the lake to the life of luxury as they were the breed of choice by French nobles, and eventually royalty across all of Europe.  To this day, the Poodle is still the national dog of France.  The entertainment industry then caught on to the Poodle’s showy looks, intelligence, and ease of trainability and gave them a prominent role in circus acts across the world.

While the Poodle started out as the “standard” variety, eventually the miniature and toy variations were bred.  The Toy Poodle started in the United States in the early 20th century to be a city-dwelling companion dog.  Due to the many positive personality traits and its hypoallergenic coat, Poodles are now commonly bred with a wide variety of other breeds to produce the “designer” hybrid dogs known and loved by many as “doodles.”

Aussiedoodle Breed History:

Like most varieties of Doodles, the Ausiedoodle breed is relatively new and doesn’t have a long history.  It’s popularity has risen quickly in the United States, and it is even more popular here than it is in Australia!

To mitigate against health concerns due to the size of the puppies, Aussiedoodles typically come from an Australian Shepherd mother and a Poodle father.

Australian Shepherd Poodle Mix Appearance & Grooming

How Big Do Aussiedoodles Get?

The size of the Aussiedoodle breed is determined mostly by whether its Poodle parent was a standard,  miniature, or toy.  On top of that, the gender of the puppy and the genetics of the parents play important factors as well.

With that in mind, a Toy Aussiedoodle will typically weigh between 10-20 pounds and have a height of 10-12 inches.  A Miniature Aussiedoodle will weigh in at around 20-45 pounds and stand roughly 12-17 inches tall.  The largest of the three, the Standard Aussiedoodle, will weigh approximately 45-70 pounds and stand about 17-22 inches tall.

Related: Aussiedoodle Size Full Grown: How Big Do Aussiedoodles Get? (Toy, Mini, Standard)

Aussiedoodle Dog Breed Coat & Grooming:

The coat of an Australian Shepherd Poodle Mix is usually a mix of two or more colors, with the most popular being black, white, silver, cream, and red.

Their fur can range anywhere from straight or slightly wavy, like the Australian Shepherd to curly like the Poodle and usually is of medium length.

How curly your dog’s fur is dictates how often they must be brushed.  A minimum of brushing once per week is required for Aussiedoodles, with the ideal frequency being every other day if not every day for more curly-haired dogs.

Related: Aussiedoodle Haircut Styles: Before & After Grooming Photos!

Are Aussiedoodles Hypoallergenic?
Do Aussiedoodles Shed? 

Due to the presence of the Poodle’s genes, the Aussiedoodle breed is sometimes promoted as being hypoallergenic and/or non-shedding.  While this can be true, due to the unpredictability of genetics, there is no guarantee that any particular dog, or litter of dogs, will be hypoallergenic.

Read More: Do Aussiedoodles Shed? The Facts and Myths About Aussiedoodle Shedding

Some individuals’ allergies are more sensitive to certain breeds than other breeds, but there is no scientific evidence that shows that certain hybrid breeds are universally more or less hypoallergenic than others.

With that being said, as a rule of thumb, the larger the percentage of Poodle is in a dog’s heritage, the more likely they are to be hypoallergenic or non-shedding.  So an F1BB Aussiedoodle (87.5% Poodle) is more likely to be hypoallergenic than an F1B Aussiedoodle (75% Poodle) which is more likely than an F1 or F2 Aussiedoodle (50% Poodle).

Read More: Aussiedoodle Generations Explained (F1, F1B, F1BB, F2, F2B, F2BB, F3, Multigen)

Australian Shepherd Poodle Mix Health & Wellness

Aussiedoodle Dog Breed Lifespan:

The life expectency of a healthy and well-cared-for Australian Shepherd Poodle Mix is around 10-12 years.

Aussiedoodle Dog Breed Common Health Concerns:

Aussiedoodles may be susceptible to the common health problems of both the Australian Shepherd and the Poodle.  However, due to the genetic diversity from crossing these two breeds, the result may be a lower chance of developing these inherited health concerns.

Read More: Aussiedoodle Health Issues: 9 Common Aussiedoodle Health Problems to Look Out For!

Some of the more common genetic disorders to be on the lookout for in the Poodle Australin Shepherd Mix include Cushing’s Disease, Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture, Epilepsy, Hip Dysplasia, Ivermectin Sensitivity, Pancreatitis, and Progressive Retinal Atrophy.  

Due to the cost of treating these common health concerns, we highly encourage all dog owners invest in pet insurance. We recommend getting a free online quote from Healthy Paws Pet Insurance.

Australian Shepherd Poodle Mix Temperament & Personality

Aussiedoodle Dog Breed Behavioral Traits:

Aussiedoodles are are a loving and highly intelligent breed.  With such high intelligence, they can pick up on commands and even complicated tricks quite quickly.  In fact, due to the Australian Shepherd’s background as a working dog, they’re most happy when given tasks or jobs to perform.  While training can be easy, even for novice dog owners, if not kept entertained and active these clever dogs can get into trouble!

Not to be overlooked is their loyalty and affection towards family.  Aussiedoodles are extremely family-focused and should always be indoor pets.  They’re great with children and other pets as they are very playful with no aggressive tendencies.

One thing to look out for is their natural tendency to herd.  This might display itself in light bumping or nipping of pets, children, or even adults as a puppy.  Don’t panic, as this is not aggressive at all and completely natural.  It simply is something that must be addressed early on in training and should’t be much of an issue.

Aussiedoodle Dog Breed Activity Requirements:

In order to keep all that intelligence and energy constructive, Aussiedoodles must have sufficient exercise.  Two walks a day is ideal for the Australian Shepherd Poodle Mix, with at least one hour of exercise each day being a good minimum.

Australian Shepherd Poodle Mix Pictures

Aussiedoodle Dog
Aussiedoodle Breed of Dog
Poodle Australian Shepherd Mix

Alternative Breeds to the Australian Shepherd Poodle Mix